Base Project Embraces Open Source Development for an On-Chain Future

We’ve open sourced our smart contract repos to provide developers with increased transparency around Base’s contract development, deployment, and upgrade proce

Base Project Embraces Open Source Development for an On-Chain Future

Coinbase Base project is making waves with its wholehearted commitment to open source development, underpinned by a set of core values that prioritize transparency and accountability. In a space where collaboration and innovation are the keys to unlocking the potential of blockchain technology, Base's dedication to open source initiatives is not just commendable; it's transformative.

At its core, open source development within the Base project embodies the ethos of keeping the community in the loop, allowing them to track every milestone achieved and ensuring the team's adherence to commitments. This commitment to transparency is the first step towards fostering collaboration, enabling developers to leverage the project's vast knowledge base, and collectively enhance and refine existing frameworks.

The exciting news breaking out today is that the Base project has now open-sourced its smart contract and web GitHub repositories, ushering in a new era of openness and collaboration.

We’ve open sourced our smart contract repos to provide developers with increased transparency around Base’s contract development, deployment, and upgrade process.
All contracts and scripts for Base are publicly available on GitHub. For the execution code and artifacts related to Base contract deployments and upgrades, visit this GitHub link for more details around incident responses, upgrades, contract deployments and calls, and one-off deployments.

A Transparent Window into Smart Contracts

Open sourcing smart contract repositories is a crucial move that provides developers with unprecedented transparency into Base's smart contract development, deployment, and upgrade processes. All smart contracts and scripts pertaining to Base are now accessible to the public on GitHub. The treasure trove of information offered by Base includes everything from contract deployments and upgrades to calls and one-off deployments.

Key Management Practices for Greater Security

As an added layer of trust and security, Base aims to maintain transparency around its key management practices. Earlier this year, the project shared comprehensive details about its multisig and challenger key setup. A significant partnership with the Optimism team further demonstrates the project's commitment to robust and secure key management. This approach significantly reduces the risk of unintended errors and ensures any malicious activities are detectable and public.

Moreover, Base has meticulously preserved each on-chain action as it happened in real-time. This method not only allows easy replication of actions but also highlights the project's evolving processes over time. This level of transparency is unparalleled in the blockchain space, setting a new standard for accountability and collaboration.

Developers and Builders, Dive In!

Base's open source initiative is not just for show; it's a call to action. Developers and builders are encouraged to explore the smart contracts and codebase on GitHub. If you have feedback or suggestions, submitting a Git issue is warmly welcomed. For those with a keen eye for security, Base offers a HackerOne bounty program with rewards of up to $1,000,000. This program encompasses the entire Base network, including bridge contracts and infrastructure.

Open Sourcing Web Properties

But the Base project's commitment doesn't stop with smart contracts. The team has also open-sourced all its web properties, including,, and This move enhances transparency and invites developers to provide feedback and even contribute to the project's continued growth.

The Base project's devotion to open source development is a remarkable stride towards building an on-chain ecosystem that thrives on trust, collaboration, and collective progress. As Base opens its doors to developers, builders, and security experts worldwide, it's evident that the project's vision of bringing the next billion people into the world of blockchain innovation is becoming a reality, one open source initiative at a time.