Mistakenly Sends Australian Woman $10.5M Mistakenly Sends Australian Woman $10.5M

One of the world’s largest cryptocurrency trading platforms,, accidentally transferred the money to Thevamanogari Manivel back in May 2021, when the company was attempting to process a refund of just $100.

The company realized its error when an audit in December 2021 uncovered it. When it tried to have the money returned, it found that Ms. Manivel had spent $1.35 million on a luxury 5-bedroom house and that the rest had been moved to other accounts.

In February this year, applied through the courts to freeze Ms. Manivel’s bank account, but it was found that $10.1 million had already been moved to a different account, and $430,000 had been transferred to Manivel’s daughter. has won part of their legal battle with a judge in Victoria’s Supreme Court ordering the luxury home be sold, and the money returned to the company.

However, Judge James Elliot did allow that the judgement was open to challenge given that it was uncontested, and that Gangadory still had the opportunity to “set aside the default judgement”.