Fox Corporation Introduces Verify Protocol Built on Polygon PoS for Content Verification

Moreover, verify serves as a conduit between media entities and AI platforms, establishing new business prospects for content owners.

Fox Corporation Introduces Verify Protocol Built on Polygon PoS for Content Verification
Image / Polygon

Fox Corporation has taken a significant step toward combating the rise of AI-generated media by launching a beta version of Verify, an open-source protocol designed to authenticate the origin and history of registered media. This initiative is powered by Polygon PoS, offering a transparent method to verify content authenticity using blockchain technology.

Verify, created by the Fox Technology team, allows publishers to register content, digitally signing individual pieces on the blockchain to establish provenance. The Verify Tool enables consumers to identify trusted content sources by confirming the authenticity of digital content from participating Fox entities, including Fox News, Fox Business, Fox Sports, and Fox TV affiliates. Since its closed beta launch, around 89,000 pieces of content, encompassing text and images, have been signed to Verify.

The protocol has been released as open source, inviting public contributions and forking opportunities. Media companies can collaborate via Verify, while consumers can use the Verify Tool to validate the origin of digital content from Fox sources.

Leveraging Polygon PoS for its fast, seamless, and cost-effective transactions, Verify aims to provide readers with assured validation of content sources, ensuring that articles or images genuinely originate from the specified publisher.

Moreover, verify serves as a conduit between media entities and AI platforms, establishing new business prospects for content owners. Through smart contracts, Verify's Verified Access Point sets programmatic conditions for accessing content, offering commercial opportunities for publishers.

As AI-generated content proliferates online, Verify not only aids consumers in identifying genuine content sources but also empowers media publishers to regulate their relationships with AI platforms that scrape web content. It represents a significant advancement in source verification, illustrating how the future of media can be authenticated transparently through blockchain technology.