Munchables Hacker Returns $62 Million in ETH Following Security Breach

Munchables updated that the developer had agreed to unconditionally relinquish the private keys to the wallet holding Munchables’ assets.

Munchables Hacker Returns $62 Million in ETH Following Security Breach
Photo by Mika Baumeister / Unsplash

Munchables, a gaming platform operating on the Blast blockchain, has successfully recovered $62 million worth of Ethereum (ETH) following a security breach. The funds were returned to a multi-sig wallet, providing a glimmer of relief after yesterday's unsettling reports of unauthorized transactions.

The ordeal began when Munchables disclosed a security breach, with initial suspicions pointing towards an internal team member. While investigative efforts led by on-chain detective ZachXBT hinted at potential connections to North Korean hackers, the exact details remain shrouded in uncertainty.

According to ZachXBT, the exploit originated from the hiring of a North Korean developer by Munchables, known by the alias "Werewolves0943."

Munchables identified the hacker as one of its developers. Subsequent negotiations spanning an hour led to the former developer agreeing to return the entirety of the hacked funds. In an official statement, Munchables confirmed the return, stating that the developer provided all private keys necessary for the recovery process, including the key holding $62,535,441.24 USD and 73 WETH, among others.

In a reassuring statement, Munchables affirmed, "All user funds are safe," assuring its community of users amid the tumultuous events. The platform pledged to provide further updates in the days ahead, striving to maintain transparency and rebuild trust following the security incident.