Polygon Village 2.0: Fueling Web3 Founders with Over 110M MATIC Grants, Mentorship, and Ecosystem Support

With over 110 million MATIC, grants include direct funding from the Polygon Foundation for later-stage projects and quadratic funding grants for early-stage endeavors.

Polygon Village 2.0: Fueling Web3 Founders with Over 110M MATIC Grants, Mentorship, and Ecosystem Support
Image/ Polygon 

Building a startup is a challenging journey, and venturing into Web3 adds another layer of complexity. Enter Polygon Village 2.0, a revitalized initiative offering a grant program exceeding 110 million MATIC to support founders thriving in the Polygon ecosystem. However, Polygon Village is more than just grants; it's a comprehensive program providing strategic support, mentorship, co-working spaces, thought-starter plans, and connections to venture capitalists.

As part of the DevX Global Tour, Polygon Labs traversed the globe to engage with developers and builders, understanding their needs. The result was the launch of Polygon 2.0, a blueprint for infinitely scalable ZK-powered Layer 2s with unified liquidity.

Reimagined with direct input and feedback from developers, Polygon Village emerges as a nurturing space for founders of all levels, offering resources to build, learn, connect, secure funding, gain mentorship, scale, and achieve exponential growth.

Polygon Village comprises three main components:

  1. Village Grants: A community grant program available for projects at any stage, spanning various types, from DeFi to gaming. With over 110 million MATIC, grants include direct funding from the Polygon Foundation for later-stage projects and quadratic funding grants for early-stage endeavors.
  2. Village Build Ideas: Teams seeking inspiration can explore a catalog of high-value ideas developed within Polygon Labs. Coupled with grants, teams can receive 1:1 mentoring and support to transform these ideas into fully realized projects.
  3. Village Startup Support: Beyond grants, founders can engage in a tailored support program featuring immersive guidance, strategic support, 1:1 mentorship, and access to an elite network. Vouchers for discounts on various services are available, along with connections to top-tier mentors from across the Web3 spectrum.

Physical Spaces for Collaboration

Polygon Village extends its support with physical spaces known as Village Builder Houses, currently in New York and Lisbon. These houses offer real-world environments for in-depth guidance, resources, networking, and exposure.

Polygon Village 2.0 is not just a grant program; it's a holistic ecosystem fostering the growth of Web3 startups. Explore, innovate, and thrive with Polygon Village.