The First Rule of Machine Learning: Simplicity Before Complexity

When companies face complex issues, machine learning is frequently the first tool they consider. It's like having a shiny new hammer and viewing every problem as a nail. The allure of machine learning is understandable – it promises automation, prediction, and optimization.

The First Rule of Machine Learning: Simplicity Before Complexity
Photo by h heyerlein / Unsplash


In the ever-evolving world of technology, companies often rush into the realm of machine learning, driven by the allure of automation and data-driven solutions. Yet, the first rule of machine learning, which often goes overlooked, is this: "Do not start with machine learning." This rule, born of wisdom, suggests that approaching problems with simpler solutions first can lead to more efficient, effective, and insightful outcomes.

The Temptation of Machine Learning

When companies face complex issues, machine learning is frequently the first tool they consider. It's like having a shiny new hammer and viewing every problem as a nail. The allure of machine learning is understandable – it promises automation, prediction, and optimization. However, starting with machine learning is rarely the best way to craft a solution.

Step 1: Start with Simple Heuristics

Before diving into complex machine learning models, it's often wiser to take the initial steps with simple heuristics, or as we prefer to call them, "simple rules." This approach provides two essential benefits:

1. Deeper Problem Understanding: Crafting simple rules forces you to gain a profound understanding of the problem you aim to solve. As you wrestle with these rules, you'll uncover intricacies that might have otherwise been overlooked. This knowledge is invaluable when you eventually turn to machine learning.

2. Establishing a Baseline: Simple rules create a baseline performance. Any future machine-learning solution can be measured against this baseline. If your sophisticated model can't surpass the performance of your simple rules, then it may not be the right tool for the job.

Illustrative Example

Consider the scenario of building an online shopping store. You aim to provide users with a list of recommended products. Instead of immediately delving into the complexities of machine learning, start with a fixed list of recommendations. Gradually refine this list, perhaps sorting it by popularity or other criteria. Numerous avenues are available to solve this problem before even considering training a machine learning model.

Step 2: Replace Heuristics with a Simple Model

As you refine your simple rules, there comes a point where maintaining complex rule-based logic becomes cumbersome. This is the juncture at which you should consider introducing a simple machine learning model. The advantages are clear:

1. Improved Maintainability: Managing a simple machine learning model is often easier than maintaining a codebase replete with complex rules.

2. Evolving Flexibility: A machine learning model can adapt and learn from data, whereas static rules remain stagnant.

Choosing the Right Model

It's often recommended to start with straightforward algorithms like linear regression or decision trees. However, simplicity doesn't just refer to the algorithm's sophistication but also to its ease of use. For example, a ResNet-50 model, a complex convolutional neural network, can be considered simple if you can quickly download a pre-trained version and apply it to your problem.

Step 3: Gradual Increase in Complexity

Simplicity is a virtue, but there's a tipping point where your simple solution might not achieve the desired performance. When you reach this point, it's time to embrace more complex solutions. This can mean:

1. Advanced Models: Investigate advanced machine learning models to improve your results. Sometimes, a more sophisticated model is the key to unlocking higher accuracy.

2. Ensemble Approaches: Combine multiple models or integrate machine learning with manual rules to create a robust solution.

Embracing Complexity Gradually

The goal isn't to rush into complexity but to reach it naturally when necessary. Commence with the simplest solution possible, and only escalate when faced with the limitations of your current approach.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the first rule of machine learning, "Do not start with machine learning," serves as a guiding principle. This approach ensures that you deeply understand the problem, have a solid baseline, and embrace complexity as an informed choice, not a hasty decision.

By adhering to this rule, you can transform machine learning from a tempting buzzword into a strategic tool for solving real-world problems effectively and efficiently.


The first rule of machine learning is not just a cautionary note; it's a step-by-step guide to achieving the most effective solutions. Start simple, learn deeply, and evolve strategically. By doing so, machine learning can become a potent ally in addressing complex challenges.