Worldcoin Reveals Redesigned Orb for a More User-Friendly Experience

The company aims to make the Orb more appealing and accessible to a broader audience, part of its broader mission to bring cryptocurrency to billions of users worldwide.

Worldcoin Reveals Redesigned Orb for a More User-Friendly Experience
Image/ Worldcoin

Worldcoin, the crypto project that gained attention with its eye-scanning device, the Orb, is set to unveil an upgraded version aimed at presenting a more user-friendly and approachable design, according to news report by Techcrunch.

The Orb, initially met with a mix of fascination and skepticism due to its sci-fi appearance, will undergo a transformation in terms of color options and form factors. Alex Blania, CEO and co-founder of Tools for Humanity, the company behind Worldcoin, shared the plans during a recent event, emphasizing that the new design will be more tuned down and reminiscent of popular tech aesthetics, such as Apple products.

The Orb, a central component of Worldcoin's identity verification process, captures iris scans to generate a unique "World ID." This identification system is integral to Worldcoin's application and digital passport, preventing the creation of multiple accounts and ensuring a secure and streamlined user experience.

Blania acknowledged the polarized reception of the Orb, noting that people either "hate it or love it." The decision to revamp the device's design reflects Worldcoin's strategic focus on global adoption. The company aims to make the Orb more appealing and accessible to a broader audience, part of its broader mission to bring cryptocurrency to billions of users worldwide.

Worldcoin has garnered attention and raised approximately $250 million from investors, including a16z and Bain Capital Crypto. The upcoming Orb, expected in the first half of this year, marks a significant step in Worldcoin's journey toward widespread user adoption. With over 3.13 million people already signed up for Worldcoin and a recent surge in new accounts, the crypto project continues to pursue its mission of reaching billions of users with its innovative approach to identity verification.