Amazon Music Introduces Maestro: An AI Playlist Generator

Maestro is initially available to a subset of free Amazon Music users, Prime customers, and Unlimited Amazon Music subscribers in the U.S.

Amazon Music Introduces Maestro: An AI Playlist Generator
Amazon Maestro

Amazon Music is changing the game with the launch of Maestro, a feature that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence playlist creation. Rolled out in beta to a limited number of U.S. customers across all tiers of Amazon Music on iOS and Android, Maestro promises to redefine the way users curate their music libraries.

Maestro allows customers on both iOS and Android to create playlists using spoken or written prompts, including emojis. Users can input prompts related to activities, sounds, and emotions, or choose from suggested prompts provided by Amazon. Within seconds, an AI-generated playlist is delivered, theoretically matching the user's input.

To access Maestro, users need the latest version of the Amazon Music mobile app. They can tap on the Maestro option on their home screen or use it when creating a new playlist. Prompts provided by Amazon include playful suggestions like "😭 and eating 🍝," "Make my 👶 a genius," and "Music my grandparents made out to."

The possibilities with Maestro are virtually limitless, enabling users to explore a wide range of genres, emotions, and themes through their playlists. Whether users want to revisit the Myspace era with hip-hop classics or immerse themselves in electronic beats reminiscent of robots, Maestro aims to deliver an unparalleled music discovery experience.

While Maestro is currently in beta, Amazon acknowledges that the technology may not always deliver perfect results initially. To maintain a safe and enjoyable experience, the company has implemented measures to proactively block offensive language and inappropriate prompts.

Maestro is initially available to a subset of free Amazon Music users, Prime customers, and Unlimited Amazon Music subscribers in the U.S. Subscribers gain access to additional functionality, such as instant playlist listening and saving. However, Prime members and ad-supported users can only listen to 30-second previews of songs before saving them, potentially incentivizing users to upgrade to a paid subscription.

With Maestro, Amazon Music is not just offering a playlist generator; it's providing users with a transformative tool that unlocks new dimensions of musical exploration and enjoyment. As the beta rollout continues, Maestro is reshaping the way people interact with music and deepen their connection to the songs that soundtrack their lives.