AssemblyAI Raises $50M to Build "Superhuman" Speech AI

Their next-gen Universal model, trained on a staggering 10 million hours of voice data (1 petabyte!), promises to be a game-changer in multilingual speech recognition and understanding.

AssemblyAI Raises $50M to Build "Superhuman" Speech AI
Image / AssemblyAI

AssemblyAI, the Silicon Valley startup aiming to revolutionize how we interact with machines through our voices, has announced a whopping $50 million Series C funding round. This latest injection of capital, led by Accel and joined by industry heavyweights like Keith Block and Nat Friedman, brings AssemblyAI's total funding to $115 million – a testament to the growing demand for voice-powered AI solutions across diverse industries.

Since its inception, AssemblyAI has remained steadfast in its commitment to unlock an entirely new frontier of AI applications by harnessing the wealth of information embedded within human speech. Recognizing the untapped potential within voice data across diverse domains, including virtual meetings, online content, customer service interactions, and more, the company has tirelessly worked to push the boundaries of Speech AI technology.

AssemblyAI isn't just about transcribing audio into text. Their ambition is far grander: to build "superhuman" Speech AI models that unlock a new wave of voice-driven applications. Imagine intelligent assistants that understand not just your words but the nuances of your tone, sentiment, and even background context. Think of virtual meetings where AI automatically summarizes key points and action items, or customer service interactions powered by empathetic AI that resolves issues with genuine understanding.

AssemblyAI's secret sauce lies in its cutting-edge models trained on massive datasets of human speech. Their latest Conformer-2 model, boasting 43% fewer errors on noisy data compared to rivals, is a prime example. But they're not stopping there. Their next-gen Universal model, trained on a staggering 10 million hours of voice data (1 petabyte!), promises to be a game-changer in multilingual speech recognition and understanding.

The magic doesn't stop at accurate transcription. AssemblyAI is leveraging the power of large language models (LLMs) to analyze and extract deeper meaning from speech. Their Auto Chapters and Content Moderation tools utilize LLMs to automatically generate summaries, identify keywords, and even flag potentially harmful content. This opens doors for automated content creation, real-time analysis of customer calls, and personalized voice-driven experiences.

With over 25 million daily inference calls and 10,000 new signups every month, AssemblyAI is making its AI tools accessible to startups and enterprises alike. Companies like are already using AssemblyAI to power AI-powered meeting notes, while Veed and TypeForm leverage it for enhanced video and form submissions. This democratization of voice AI paves the way for a future were interacting with machines through our voices becomes as natural as breathing.

AssemblyAI's journey is just beginning. With their latest funding, they plan to fuel ambitious research, develop even more powerful models, and expand their global reach. They're actively building a "dream team" of AI experts from leading tech companies like DeepMind, Google, and Meta, demonstrating their commitment to pushing the boundaries of voice AI.