Empowering Teens with a Responsible and Supportive Bard Experience

Bard’s tailored onboarding for teens includes educational resources on AI literacy and responsible usage, reinforcing awareness of AI's potential and its limitations.

Empowering Teens with a Responsible and Supportive Bard Experience
Image/ Bard

Bard opens its doors to teenagers across numerous countries, providing a resourceful and responsible space for exploration and learning. With a mission to inspire and educate, Bard will offer teens in eligible countries access to a wealth of informative content and learning experiences.

Teens will discover Bard as a wellspring of inspiration and knowledge. From seeking advice for a class speech or college application tips to exploring hobbies or diving into complex subjects, Bard stands ready to assist. It’s a helpful learning companion, aiding with brainstorming science fair projects or offering insights into historical periods. Furthermore, Bard introduces an interactive math learning tool, enabling step-by-step explanations for equations, fostering a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

Bard enhances its capabilities with interactive learning tools, enabling teens to visualize data through charts generated from provided tables. This functionality extends to showcasing volunteered hours across months in a bar chart, providing an engaging and practical approach to data visualization. Both math explanations and data visualization tools will debut in English upon launch.

With a steadfast commitment to safetynd responsibility, Bard’s expansion to include teenagers underwent thorough consultation with child safety and developmental experts. Collaborations with organizations like the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) shaped content policies and safety protocols, ensuring a secure and enriching environment for young users.

Stephen Balkam, CEO of FOSI, commends Google's conscientious approach, emphasizing the importance of providing teens a safe platform to explore technology.

Bard’s tailored onboarding for teens includes educational resources on AI literacy and responsible usage, reinforcing awareness of AI's potential and its limitations. To bolster information literacy, Bard will automatically cross-check factual responses to validate their accuracy and substantiation from credible web sources.

Furthermore, Bard integrates safety features to prevent exposure to inappropriate content and implements a double-check response feature, encouraging critical thinking skills.

Bard's commitment extends beyond launch, aiming to continually evolve its offerings for responsible exploration and learning. This initiative seeks to empower teens worldwide while fostering a collaborative and creative environment for all Bard users.