MongoDB and AWS Collaborate to Enhance CodeWhisperer for Developers Building on MongoDB

This collaboration between MongoDB and AWS is set to benefit developers across various industries, enabling them to focus on building innovative applications.

MongoDB and AWS Collaborate to Enhance CodeWhisperer for Developers Building on MongoDB
Photo by Rubaitul Azad / Unsplash

MongoDB, the leading developer data platform, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), a subsidiary of, have joined forces to optimize Amazon CodeWhisperer, an AI-powered coding companion, to provide developers with enhanced suggestions for application development and modernization on MongoDB. This collaboration aims to empower developers to accelerate the creation of high-quality applications on MongoDB's trusted data platform.

Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered coding assistant from AWS that generates code suggestions based on natural-language comments or existing code in integrated development environments (IDEs). Trained on billions of lines of Amazon and publicly available code, it streamlines coding tasks and enhances developer productivity. With this partnership, AWS and MongoDB are taking the capabilities of CodeWhisperer to the next level, enabling developers to harness generative AI for building and modernizing applications more efficiently.

Andrew Davidson, SVP of Product at MongoDB, explained, "Collaborating with AWS to train Amazon CodeWhisperer on MongoDB is a step in that direction, and developers can now build more quickly and focus on higher-value tasks. With built-in security scanning and the ability to provide source and licensing information when suggestions resemble publicly available open-source training data, Amazon CodeWhisperer now provides developers building on MongoDB a unique experience that will get even better over time."

Through this collaboration, developers can expect enhanced code suggestions specifically tailored for MongoDB, reflecting best practices and allowing for faster prototyping and application development. It empowers developers to ideate more quickly, streamline the creation of data aggregations, perform database operations, and accelerate application migration to MongoDB for modernization.

Deepak Singh, VP of Next Gen Developer Experience at AWS, noted, "Amazon CodeWhisperer already provides an optimized experience when working on common coding tasks and with AWS APIs. By collaborating with MongoDB, we are extending those capabilities to millions of MongoDB developers. We are excited to put Amazon CodeWhisperer in the hands of even more developers to help them tap into the transformative potential of generative AI."

This collaboration between MongoDB and AWS is set to benefit developers across various industries, enabling them to focus on building innovative applications. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-native applications, these enhanced code suggestions will help reduce repetitive tasks and drive the development of high-quality software.

Several customers and partners have expressed excitement about using Amazon CodeWhisperer with MongoDB, including Cascadeo, gravity9, and Redapt, who recognize the potential of generative AI-powered coding companions to streamline development and improve code quality.

This partnership represents a significant step towards transforming how developers work and build applications. With MongoDB and AWS at the forefront of this AI revolution, developers can look forward to more efficient and effective coding experiences.