OpenAI has unveiled SearchGPT, aiming to compete with Google's dominance in search

SearchGPT aims to enhance user experience by leveraging real-time web information. It integrates location-based features to refine search results.

OpenAI has unveiled SearchGPT, aiming to compete with Google's dominance in search
Photo by Solen Feyissa / Unsplash

OpenAI has moved into the search engine arena with the launch of SearchGPT, a new feature designed to challenge industry giants like Google and Bing and emerging competitors. On Thursday, OpenAI unveiled SearchGPT, a prototype search engine to provide users with "fast and timely answers accompanied by clear and relevant sources." The company plans to refine this feature through feedback from a select group of users and publishers before a wider release.

According to OpenAI, SearchGPT seeks to enhance the search experience by leveraging conversational AI to provide more intuitive and efficient web searches. The company plans to integrate SearchGPT capabilities directly into its ChatGPT platform, allowing users to access real-time information more seamlessly. Interested users can sign up for a waitlist to gain access.

SearchGPT, powered by OpenAI's GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and the new GPT-4o models, is in its prototype phase and available to a select group of users and publishers. OpenAI intends to integrate certain features of SearchGPT into the ChatGPT platform, aiming to provide a seamless search experience within the chatbot environment.

Generative AI's integration into search engines has sparked concerns among publishers about potential declines in website traffic and advertising revenue. To mitigate these worries, OpenAI has committed to including clear citations and links to sources in SearchGPT's responses. This approach aims to direct users to publishers' websites, ensuring that content creators receive due recognition and engagement.

“SearchGPT is designed to help users connect with publishers by prominently citing and linking to them in searches,” OpenAI stated. “Responses will include clear, in-line attribution and links so users can easily access more information and explore additional results.”

SearchGPT’s launch reflects OpenAI’s ambition to disrupt the search engine market, leveraging its expertise in generative AI. The challenge to Google, it dominates the search market with over 91% global market share. However, even a modest shift in market dynamics could have substantial financial implications, as seen with Microsoft’s Bing and its generative AI integration.